
the weather is eyes,and I must consciously building a more a better tomorrow. 庆祝元旦今天的天空下着毛毛细雨,今天爸爸妈妈带我去街头,五颜六色的花展现在我的眼前,格外美丽;大街小巷挂满了五光十色的彩带;跟着笑容满面的爸爸和秀丽的妈妈涌上热闹的街头。

New Year's Day celebration today under drizzling skies, the weather is particularly cold, but I was very happy because today is the first day of the New Year. Today, Mom and Dad took me to the streets, colorful flower show in my eyes, exceptionally beautiful; the streets are covered with colorful ribbons; children wear clean clothes and beautiful, with the smiling father and beautiful mother took lively streets, and why?

 Because today is the first day of the New Year. Back to my grandparents' house, kitchen in steaming hot, grandmother chop the vegetables and meat, vegetables wrapped in northern strip, a short while tasty dish on the side bar on the table, bite in the mouth fragrant and delicious aftertaste infinity, we talked and laughed cheerfully, and why? 

Because today is the New Year. Today is the first day of the New Year, is the starting point for the new year, we are a year older, and I must consciously strive to learn in the new year, promote the advantages and overcome the shortcomings, I want to grow up quickly, building a more a better tomorrow. 


